Sabtu, 14 Mei 2011

Mantra For Calling Kuntilanak

ingsir wengi sliramu tumeking sirno
ojo tangi nggonmu guling
awas jo ngetoro
aku lagi bang wingo wingo
jin setan kang tak utusi
jin setan kang tak utusi
dadyo sebarang
wojo lelayu sebet

The above excerpt of the poem certainly no stranger to those who never watch the movie, starring Julie Estelle kuntilanak, it is a poem that can summon kuntilanak durma as told in the film.

Durma it is one of the standard songs in macapat. Macapat Java is a collection of songs including 11 standard (Dandhanggula, Mijil, Pocung, Megatruh, Gambuh, sinom, Maskumambang, pickaxe, Durma, Asmarandana, and Kinanthi). Macapat tradition is expected to have started there since the days of the end of the Majapahit kingdom.

meaning roughly like this:

(in Indonesian)
Menjelang malam, dirimu(bayangmu) mulai sirna…
Jangan terbangun dari tidurmu…
Awas, jangan terlihat (memperlihatkan diri)…
Aku sedang gelisah,
Jin setan ku perintahkan
Jadilah apapun juga,
Namun jangan membawa maut…

(in English)
By evening, you (your shadow) began vanished ...
Do not wake up from your sleep ...
Beware, do not be seen (show themselves) ...
I'm nervous,
I command you devil jin
Be whatever,
But do not bring death ...

If You Want To Download MP3 (Mantra For Calling Kuntilanak) 
please Click HERE.

Each type of pakem that is the formula (eg how many rows comprising; how many syllables, and vowel sounds of each end of the line). So Durma also have a formula as well, and  Durma Song was not just one kind but many titles. That the fit in the movie it was just one of them. Standard formula Durma song adl: 12-a; 7-i; 6-a; 7-a; 8-i; 5-a; 7-i.
Every song in macapat reflect the different character. Durma, referred to as part macapat reflecting the atmosphere / nature hard, grim, and grimly. Even sometimes reveal the things haunted in the life. Suitable if this Kuntilanak movie expose this song.

In Javanese tradition, there is the term  Dolanan Song (Track Toy). What is meant is the song that is used for magical rituals Java game. For example, there are songs to play Jalangkung; there are songs to summon the spirit of the game Ni Thowong dolls, etc.. There are also songs that are believed to call the crocodile in the river (from the grip Megatruh), and by the Javanese today is still a myth ban to sing in a river.
But for the ritual songs, usually do not stand alone for play this song. The song was sung to the accompaniment of the other ritual requirements. Each ritual requirements / offerings are usually very specific, so if do not wear offerings songs sung it will not take effect.
In Javanese tradition, there is another song to "summon" the devil:
Sluku-sluku Bathok, bathok'e ell-eloThe priest deny solo, by the umbrella-oleh'e munthoMak jenthit lo-lo lobah, wong ora dead obahYen obah medheni boy ...
Childrens have a tradition of Java, a full moon if they make a doll out of the basket of flowers which is used to make a pilgrimage (like Jelangkung). Then make a seven-way flower offerings, betel, and tobacco, placed on one side of a river.
at night the full moon, children - children around the doll while singing that song. The song was sung repeatedly while holding a doll, and then ... Doll will move ... aggressive ...!
That means the guardian spirit of the river has been entered into the dolls and want to play. Game, must continue to hold the doll and the doll's spirit will carry the holder's running everywhere, and this made the game romp.
Who fatigue will be 'captured' by a 'living doll' that, beaten with a distinguished head dolls are usually made from the shell. Adl spirit that moves in Dlm doll.
The game is called Ni Thowong, or Ninidok, or Nini Thowok.

Mantra overcome
Nga tha ba ga ma,
Nya ya ja dha pa,
La wa sa ta da,
Ka ro co no ho.
(In read 7 times)

If observed, the above mantra is actually a Java letter spelling but arranged upside down. It's called Caraka Walik, Old Javanese mantra to ward off evil spirits.

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